Jupiter, from on high, laughs at the perjuries of lovers

"A kiss strikes like lightening, love passes like a storm." The message was written on the package of an Italian chocolate. Such epigram makes me smile during my hard work. It is a kind of refreshment. Ah, I am so exhausted these days. Although I don't let my guard down, always keeping fighting pose like Kiyoshi Kodama san. His book, Rounding off the fight (負けるのは美しく), was unexpectedly excellent one that I recently read. Strangely oppositely, I am getting bored with Taturu Uchida's books..In don't know why but I think it says just reasonable ordinary thought repeatedly, by which people assume that they reconfirm your thought..petit bourgeois's?
負けるのは美しく (集英社文庫)