Talk about various sort of things

Chris said that the world in the lord of the ring is a most ideal peaceful world for him if it could exist. Another fantasy story, Worm Ouroboros is often compared with the lord of the ring, which he recommended me because I love the ambience of the Gormenghast. I always think I should have read those fantasy masterpieces in my childhood. Of course, you cannot chose parents, a place, and an era. Eventually, you have to chose your decision by yourself after or before grown-up. But one of the most important thing is to meet constantly insightful and exciting people/things who (which) give chances for you to open your new world. So, I mean stimulus is a key factor to change your world.
The motive I started this crap murmuring came from a book called Le Grand Cahier (Akudou Nikki), in which all sentences are written in present tense even in the context of past tense. That's why my previous Japanese sentences here were all written in present tense. It was fun to write them without using past tense (e.g.した。だった。etc). Now I recently realized that I can write sentences in English as fast as Japanese, so it would be rather good for me to expand my expression in English.